Only the motivated will get up at crazy o’clock and drive half the night to get to the gig that doesn’t pay well, ahead of time, because it will keep the lights on for another day, and will keep the dream, that has become a goal, alive.
Only the motivated, standing on the edge, just as scared as everyone else, will jump, and begin, all in, daring to give their best, and if they come up short at least they will be nearer the line in the sand, the marker they put down, that only they can see, and be richer and better for the chance they took, and begin again, from a better place.

Only the motivated will walk with purpose down a path of their own making, alone if needs be, happy in their own skin, trusting guides will appear for them, knowing the last leg of their journey will be the toughest, but loving it anyway, trusting their luck, and themselves.
Only the motivated will cry alone, sleeping in a broken down Ford Mondeo, and wake at dawn with hope, a new idea, and the hint of a smile, and then make the call they wished they didn’t have to make, deal with whatever needs to be dealt with, looking everyone square in the eye.
Only the motivated will study, and seek out mentors, will do whatever it takes to learn the skills they need, always looking to raise the bar on themselves, always wanting to be better, more motivated, sharper, stronger minded, always moving forward, step by step.
And, very probably, only the motivated will read this blog, and only the motivated, the saying goes, can motivate, so this week, Dear Reader, help someone find their fire within.
With love Xx
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