I was planning to call this blog, ‘Reading This Could Change Your Life’, but it sounded like a government Health Warning, and I remembered most people don’t want to change their life, or if they do they don’t really have the time, so, not wanting to scare anyone off, I decided on 'Change Your Day’ but, even though that’s how to go about changing your life, it just sounded too mundane.
Instead, I called it, this simple and dazzling performance tool, which is always shown as a circle but I always draw it in my notebook as a diamond, The Diamond Circle, and if you only remember one ‘how do I work’ model, this is the one.
I first saw this when I was about 18, kind of discovered it from my psychology tutor, who was an actual angel, and I remember everything about her, apart from her name or what she looked like, but she gave me her Thursdays for a year, a remarkable gift, and on one of those days, I saw this performance model in a text book I took off the shelf, and ripped it out and kept it, and I still have the page, and I still like Thursdays.
So, let’s get to it, this is your journey through The Diamond Circle.
It begins when you think, like crazy sometimes, about so many good, bad and beautiful things, all of the time, and when you get a new challenge you think I can or I can’t, yes or no, in or out, and it matters so much because what you think creates your ATTITUDE, positive or negative, and that is the starting point for everything you ever do, and how well you do it.
ACTION is all, in a love is a verb kind of way,and you know, I’m guessing, and hoping, that your attitude directly impacts on your action, for better or worse, and then come the consequences.
Every time you do something, like it or not, even if you’re not chasing it, you’ll get a RESULT, mostly based on your performance, and you’ll either like it, or have to deal with it, either way you'll own it.
EDIT is the bit of the cycle where you can be smart, locking in your attitude and actions when you got the results you wanted, editing and changing when you didn’t. Change what you do until you get what you want, that's the strategy.
Simple, huh, like I said, and this week's experiment, Dear Reader, is to change your attitude towards some tasks, notice the difference this makes, and report back.
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