The Mantra

Published on 5 August 2024 at 19:03

In a simpler world, before NLP, CBT, and Life Coaches, there was a success strategy out there, a kind of mantra, handed out as free advice, and everyone knew it and those that did it never failed to shine.

It wasn’t, and isn’t, complicated, actually it’s just three little words, seven letters in total, and in todays more complex, convoluted, world, it still works. If I could I would have it engraved on a tag you could wear around your neck, or on a bracelet, or watermarked on every page of your notebook, or maybe send it you in a telegram, or whisper it in your ear, or have a pilot write it in the sky above your house.

It’s not cute, not some clever play on words, too sparse, and a little stark, for a poster on Facebook, and there’s nothing in it for the self appointed and anointed LinkedIn gurus. There’s no coaching, counselling, or training needed, no fancy techniques or buzzwords to learn, it’s just a reminder to do what you would do anyway, if you were really motivated, and brave enough to face your fear of failure, or if you were all out of excuses, with nothing to lose.

It will kickstart us into action, it’s a self-command, the inner voice of reason, and a dare, it’s the road least taken and the advice worth taking, and here it is, both a mantra and a method - DO IT NOW.

It’s the personal performance mantra of the entrepreneur, the inner call to action when you can’t wait or avoid a minute more, it’s about beginning, getting started, making the call, typing the email and pressing send, about asking the tough question, it’s about what you know needs to be done, and doing it, with all you’ve got, and doing it now, no talking yourself out of it, no delay at all.

So, what’s stopping you?

Move on from all the thinking, and over-thinking, step out of that overwhelming feeling, freezing you like a stun gun, into inactivity, no build up needed, no more waiting, no making more coffee, no more opportunities lost, no big cigar until your work is done, just DO IT NOW.

The more you do, the more you create, the more you get.

Dear Reader, make a sign for your desk, so you don’t forget, or write it on your arm with a Sharpie, or paint it on your walls, let DO IT NOW be your mantra, and your method, just for a week, and then see if you can stop.

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