Every Day Moments

Published on 1 September 2024 at 17:18

One of the things I like about working solo, rather than running a big training company, with my own sales team, is making my own cold calls. I know if I can get through to eight Sales Directors, and keep them talking for at least five minutes, I’ll get a gig. I know my stats, but like all averages it doesn’t mean it’ll work out like that every day.

On Monday I bought a new sales list and began, smiling and dialling. Seven hours, and 138 calls, later, I had spoken to two Sales Directors, just long enough for them to tell me to go away, and got nothing. The demon voice was trying to be heard, telling me to call it a day, just give up, just stop, but I’ve been around just a bit, and I didn’t stop and five calls later a Sales Director, who knew my work, took my call and booked me, without much ado, for his sales conference. I locked in the moment, positive thinking keeping me going, just, and keeping going leading to a result. Moments like this happen all in time in sales, rays of light in the brutal game of sales, the best game in town.

And every day, whatever I’m doing, these moments keep coming.

On Tuesday I found a forgotten big cigar in a drawer, and it felt like finding treasure.

I’ve been looking for the way ahead for my business, and not been able to see it, not even a glimpse, then on Wednesday I was walking on the beach and from nowhere it came to me, fully formed, exactly what I want to do, and I sat and got it all out my head onto paper, and felt as excited as anyone who knows what they want to do, and is doing it.

On Thursday I sat on a log, in a park designed by Capability Brown, with a takeaway coffee and a homemade cigarette, and sort of lost myself in the beauty surrounding me, and felt part of it, and out of the blue felt a moment of pure awe.

On Friday someone asked me about my sister, Elizabeth, not knowing she was long since gone, and it made me miss her, so I took a moment to think of her, happy thoughts, and I just felt lucky to have had her in my life at all.

I was at a friend’s house, the beautiful woman in a silk cardigan, for a family get together, and a little girl, Imo, just 18 months old, tried out her new skill, walking across the room, to me, with a big smile, and outstretched arms, for a hug, and, lost as I am a good part of the time, I know pure joy when it hugs me.

So it goes, day after day, moments just waiting to be found. I know I go on about this, a lot, but look for them, every day, Dear Reader, and they’ll find you, and save them, it's like storing pure golden light, and we all need a little boost of that sometimes.

With love. X

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