I was at a friend’s house, not really thinking about anything, and someone came in and gave me an unexpected hug, and a thought came to me - Let Go, Chase Rainbows- and I knew that’s what I have to do, that’s my plan for the next year.
So, I’ve got the jump on 2025, a few weeks ahead of the game, and I always think it is a game, this life, an elaborate and funny and wonderful game, with real winning and losing, what’s not to love?
Letting go is something I’ve been thinking about for a couple of years, I’m just a bit scared I might let go of the wrong things, it wouldn’t be the first time. I’m going to make a little, solitary trip, and let go of a whole load of grief, mostly for the good and gone, but also for others I’ve lost, but it’s just the awful sense of loss that needs to go, not my memories, and that’s quite a trick I need to learn, and I’ll work something out.
Which brings me to Chasing Rainbows, my way of saying I’m going to do what I love, and be happy with whatever happens. It’s a little bit terrifying, but it’s always worked out fine whenever I’ve done it, and it feels like a good time to go all in. I’m not hoping for a pot of gold, just a journey I won’t forget.
So, in 2025 I’m getting my second book out, a wild and wonderful story, The Healer Chronicles, and a book about self coaching, Fire Your Coach, Hire Yourself.
Then there’s The Secret Magician, a brand new magic show I’ve put together, the first proper one, not just something hustled together, and I want to make it into something really good, a surprising, motivating, magical show, and see where I can take it. The only way to craft such a show is to go and and do it, a lot, at the drop of a hat, on the street, pubs, clubs, until I really have it down, so that’s the plan.
2025, I’m ready for you, a little bit ahead of the game, for once. Thanks for the hug, Imo.
How about you, Dear Reader, anything you want to let go, any rainbows you want to chase?
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