Sometimes, over the years, I’ve made a little set of cards, I suppose to share thoughts and ideas and quotes, that mean a lot to me, with someone special.
Caroline was definitely special.
She was a PA of a big motor dealership, in Hicksville, Middle England, and she organised a sales training program I was running.
Something about her stood out, but it is hard to say exactly what it was, except she had a certain light in her eyes.
I was standing outside the dealership with her, with coffee, smoking, and I had to say something.
“Caroline, you’re special, in some clear way that I can’t quite see, what is it?” I asked, quickly adding, “I’m not hitting on you, but I am serious, it is a serious question.”
She paused, then smiled and looked me in the eyes.
“I am special, in a way, I have cancer, and I’m dying, that is what it is, this is a special time for me.”
“Actually” she added, before I could say anything, “I’m ok with it, and I know that sounds strange, but I just am, and I’m going to keep working, until I can’t, and then go off and die. I can’t explain it, but it feels like it was written for me.”
I was at the dealership for a couple of weeks, so I saw Caroline quite a bit, and we liked each other and just got on, talking about anything and everything.
She told me over dinner one night, “I don’t know why, but I feel connected to something other than this earth, something beyond it, I always have.”
She had a kind of everyday spirituality.
On my last day, I gave her a set of cards I had made her, handwritten on handmade paper, about twenty, and added one, from me, the thing I really wanted to say to her, I suppose. She loved the cards, and the first one she picked out was mine, and it made her tear up, but in a happy way.
After the gigs, I was away, here, there and everywhere, talking up a storm, and it was a couple of months before I was back at the dealership, for some sort of meeting.
Someone told me Caroline had died, but she told everyone what I wrote on the card, she said it was a card for everyone, not just her, and she was buried with the card in her hand.
It simply said, “You Are Amazing”, and she was, and probably still is, somewhere or other.
Dear Reader, if you meet someone, or already know someone, who is special, or remarkable, or amazing, find a way to tell them, they may not know it.
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